Monday, March 26, 2012

Occupational Health & Safety, Third Edition

Occupational Health & Safety, Third Edition Review

Addressing the span of expertise necessary to develop health and safety programs for any-size company can be daunting and often requires a multi-specialty team of professionals. This edition of the National Safety Council s Occupational Health & Safety is designed for those who are responsible for implementing health and safety programs but who have not been formally trained in the field. It is also intended to serve as a general guidance for corporate managers, human resource professionals, and others who interact with health and safety managers. The overall goal is to describe the professionals needed, programs they can provide, methods of evaluating programs, and the emerging issues in the field of occupational health and safety.

Topics include: Workplace exposures; Shift work stress; Radiation safety; Occupational stress; Ergonomics and back injuries; Fitness programs; and Substance abuse.

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